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Asia’s AI agenda: The ecosystem

The region is poised to become a frontrunner in the development and adoption of artificial intelligence, a new study finds.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has quite possibly been the most widely discussed technology theme of 2018. The projections for how these new big data, machine learning, and automation capabilities will transform cities, companies, and societies are startling, and causing policymakers and business leaders around the world to plan for a future where AI is a core competency. Experts increasingly view technological readiness, particularly having a sophisticated AI base, as a determinant of future competitiveness for nations and for companies.

Asian governments have ambitious plans for leadership in the AI era, and this white paper explores the success they are having in building fertile ecosystems that will attract much-needed AI talent and capital, as well as allowing companies to apply AI quickly and effectively across their organizations. MIT Technology Review Insights surveyed 871 Asia-based senior executives to gather perspectives, and conducted in-depth interviews with more than a dozen global experts in the field.

Asia's AI agenda: The ecosystem

“Asia’s AI agenda” is a research program sponsored by ADP, IMDA, Genesys, Splunk, and the Asia School of Business. It is designed to examine the development of AI in the Asia-Pacific from four distinct angles: Asia’s AI ecosystem, the leading use cases and business applications across the region, the evolving talent landscape, and the emerging discussions on AI and ethics. “The ecosystem” is the first installment.

Here are the key findings of this research: