William Chuang ’91, MEng ’00, and Pia T. De Leon ’99

Tiburon, California

Aug 16, 2017

William Chuang ’91, MEng ’00, and Pia T. De Leon ’99

Tiburon, California

Aug 16, 2017

Longtime supporters of MIT undergrads, William Chuang and Pia T. De Leon recently endowed a scholarship that provides funding for a student in each undergraduate class year.

How MIT shaped their lives. “MIT was much more than just an education. It provided us with so many opportunities,” says William, who is a partner at Tower Research Capital in New York City. “It also gave us a lot of our friendships,” says Pia, an anesthesiologist who is not currently practicing. “William and I didn’t meet at MIT, but we wouldn’t have met without it!”

The collaborative MIT community. “When I was at MIT, I would talk to friends at other colleges and they were very focused on their own work,” says William. “What impressed me about MIT was that everyone was so excited about everyone else’s projects, whether it was their major or not. MIT students are extremely curious and driven.”
Helping students succeed. “Some of our friends had to drop out of MIT because their families were unable to support them,” William says. “I hope that our gift will assist students in the same position so they can stay at MIT and finish their degree.” Adds Pia: “We would also hope that recipients of these scholarships will go on to help others complete their degree.”

Why the world needs MIT. “The research that’s being done at MIT covers every current and future global challenge that you can imagine,” says William. “Getting students near that kind of research is extremely important, and that’s what MIT is doing.”

Help MIT build a better world.
For information, contact David Woodruff:
617-253-3990; daw@mit.edu. Or visit giving.mit.edu.