Bachelor’s degrees awarded: 1,129
Master’s degrees awarded: 1,457
Doctorates awarded: 602
Engineer’s degrees awarded: 10
Degree certificates awarded,
in square meters: 224.25
Caps, some tossed into air: 3,198
Guests, some wondering whether graduates will move back home: 10,000
Staff and students who showed up at 6:30 a.m. to volunteer for commencement: 250
Temperature in Killian Court: 291.5 K
Plastic raincoats kept on reserve: 13,000
Precipitation: 0 mm
Workers who engineered the stage: 20
Engineers who qualified to walk across the stage: 1,613
50th-reunion alumni, all wearing red coats, who led graduates to Killian Court: 178
British Redcoats who marched through Lexington, MA, to raid colonists’ military stores in Concord in 1775 : 700
Alumni and guests who returned for Tech Reunions : 3,357
Record-setting percentage of the Class of 2006 contributing to the Senior Gift: 51
Record-setting percentage of the Class of 1966 contributing to 40th-Reunion Gift: 75
2006 Alumni Fund total: $35,937,535
Year with highest Alumni Fund total: 2006