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Innovative African e-tailers are offering sought-after goods to the continent’s growing middle class. But logistical challenges must be worked out delivery by delivery.
The popular portrayal of computers as magic boxes capable of anything has done real societal harm. Now one TV show wants to save us.
Rising temperatures due to climate change will strongly affect economic growth around the world, making some countries richer and some poorer.
Google has an ambitious plan to use artificial intelligence to weed out abusive comments and defang online mobs. The technology isn’t up to that challenge—but it will help the Internet’s best-behaving communities function better.
Researchers use an ingenious design to make a soft robot that moves on its own.
Unable to resist any opportunity to sell you something, the e-commerce leader is opening up brick-and-mortar bookstores. But its online prowess doesn’t yet translate into a very good retail experience.
If Donald Trump pulls back on the U.S. commitment, the entire plan could crumble.
A computer scientist who saw congressional decision-making up close in 1980 found it insufficient to the task of solving big problems.