Sustainable Energy Is Cold Fusion Heating Up? Though their work is dismissed by most physicists, a determined cadre of scientists is still chasing after what could be an energy jackpot-and their experiments are producing heat and nuclear byproducts that can’t be otherwise explained. by Jeff Hecht 2004-04-23T00:00:00-04:00
Intelligent Machines How Soon to the Moon? Sending humans back to the moon might divert money from other space science. Is it worth it? by Jeff Hecht 2004-01-16T00:00:00-05:00
Intelligent Machines Fiber Optics Takes the Long Way Home Despite decades of experiments, big telecom companies are moving ever so sluggishly to extend fiber optics to individual residences. by Jeff Hecht 2003-12-31T00:00:00-05:00
News New Life For Undersea Fiber Once the marvel of the telecom world, the first undersea fiber optic cables have reached the point of telecom obsolescence. Now they’ll serve out their retirement gathering oceanographic data. by Jeff Hecht 2003-05-16T00:00:00-04:00
News Overview of Optical Networking Getting inside the very fibers that shuttle data at light speed. by Jeff Hecht 2002-01-22T00:00:00-05:00
Featured Story Breaking the Metro Bottleneck The information racing across the country in huge fiber-optic pipes hits a snarl under city streets. New optical networking techniques are clearing the way. by Jeff Hecht 2001-06-01T00:00:00-04:00
News Fast Fiber Goes on a Diet Battered by the economic downturn, telcos hope new components will cut costs while boosting bandwidth. by Jeff Hecht 2001-05-15T00:00:00-04:00
News Holey Fibers Cut Their Losses New technique for photonic crystal fibers brings signal losses down near those of conventional optical fibers. by Jeff Hecht 2001-04-17T00:00:00-04:00
News Fiber Crosses the 10-Trillion-Bit Barrier New records in the lab herald real-world advances in data transmission. by Jeff Hecht 2001-03-27T00:00:00-05:00